Mask US Mascot Costumes

Quality Mascots Made in America

Randolf Mascot Costume 44340 Reviews for the product - Randolf Mascot Costume 44340 -
1 Product Reviews - Average rating 4 / 5 (Best Rated | Worst Rated | Most Recent | Oldest)
Christmas Reindeer Review
- 11/7/2020
Very well designed costume with lots of room for creative additions! The face is approachable and cute and the antlers are very sturdy. The feet are also able to stand active work and long-term wear.

The light up nose is adorable but the wires are extremely fragile. During the first hour of tested the lights, a wire was pulled. Very fragile lighting system and it requires extra, attentive care. A little frustrating that the light can go out so easily, but with electric tape and guarded connectors, it can be fixed.

With this item we recommend...

Cold Cap
Cold Vest
Cool Collar
Deluxe Mascot Tote
Mascot Bag
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